By now you have likely heard about the ballot initiative that currently will be on your ballot in November for “Open Primaries”. However, the wording being used on the ballot really has nothing to do with “Open Primaries” but everything to do with Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) and flipping Idaho blue.
There is a lot of information circulating, and so I wanted to put a lot of that information on the subject in one easy to locate place. So here you go!
The Ballot
The open primary verbiage that is being touted is really only being used as a guise for RCV, as the majority of what you may be voting on is really about RCV and not open primaries. Even the short ballot title makes no reference about open primaries, because it is really about RCV.
Pushing For It
Idahoans for Open Primaries that did the signature gathering, worked with several other organizations like Reclaim Idaho (who brought in the very costly to tax payers medicaid expansion), is using the open primary talk as a guise. Open Primary is on their signs and such, however, the real push is for RCV. You only have to look a little deeper and read between the lines to see that. This is political deception at its finest. I actually had several people who were approached by some of the signature gatherers ( many who were paid) tell me that never once did they say anything about RCV, they would say that by signing, you are wanting to vote for free and fair elections.
(you can look at their website here)
Understand that RCV is a national push, and there are many players, especially from outside of Idaho who are trying to push this into our state and several others. One group is Open Primaries who is “building a coalition of diverse Americans to enact open primaries in all 50 states”. Their website is found here.
The Capitol Research Center did do a lot of research on who are the big players behind the RCV push. With names like the Tides Foundation, The Murdocks, Soros, the Rockefeller Brothers, and so on, it makes your eyes a bit wide. They wrote an article on it and it can be found here.
Pushing Against It
Now, the Idaho Second Amendment Alliance has jumped in on this for a few good reasons, but mainly because of the 2A and what will happen by bringing RCV in, turning Idaho blue and then infringing on the 2A. They have put out a couple of informational videos here and here to explain. One of the videos even has someone who encounters one of the signature gatherers and the conversation that occurs is VERY telling.
The Idaho Freedom Foundation has put out a great article about the cost. The RCV people say on the ballot initiative (the whole thing can be read here) that the cost will be estimated at only $1.6M. The Idaho Freedom Foundation says that the cost is more like $40,000,000 and that is based on a letter from Idaho’s Secretary of State Phil McGrane, which talks about the cost as well as the complexities and implementation problems (see letter below).
The Gem State Chronicle has also been following this topic and has addressed it a few times in several articles. This article is one of the latest and has several additional links for further information. Lots of good information to read and use here.
RCV is fairly confusing and complex, and the RCV peeps leave a lot of information out (like telling you your ballot can be rejected if you don’t rank ALL the candidates, even if you don’t know anything about them). Secure Idaho Elections has a good site with easy to understand information and videos to help combat the complexity.
The Idaho Republican Party, Chairwoman Dorothy Moon has written several topics regarding RCV. Her latest article can be found here.
The Foundation for Government Accountability or FGA also has great information here about the states that have banned this national push of RCV. There are also states and cities that have it that are trying to get rid of it now, like Alaska and Oakland City
The Who’s Who List:
A who’s who list of so called Idaho “Republicans” who are supporting RCV and Open Primaries is next in this lineup. That list can be found below, but it was reported on after a press conference back in September, where the former moderate governor Butch Otter and several others held that press conference to endorse and support the jungle primaries (which is another term for RCV). Click on the list below for the article.
It is certainly an interesting list with a lot of has been names.
Legislature and Court Rulings:
The legislative side here is really interesting. In 2023 the legislature banned RCV when it passed HB179 and it was signed into law. This ballot initiative is to overturn that law that the legislature passed regarding RCV.
The Idaho Supreme Court has already ruled that primaries can be closed. This was done in 2011, Idaho Republican Party vs Ysursa, so this push for a forced open primary seems to be a moot point. Besides, parties are private organizations and because of that, are allowed to make the rules that are decided on by them. The full history of that case can be found here.
Senator Nichols
As a state senator, I strongly oppose forced open primaries and RCV and will continue to work alongside with the grass roots in Idaho to educate voters on the dangers of both to stop it. I oppose a rigged system that disenfranchises voters and is being used to turn states blue. I will be handing out the following information below on RCV, because that is what this is really about.
Don’t let the wolves in sheep’s clothing fool you into ruining Idaho’s elections. Just say NO to open primaries and RCV.
I hope this information is helpful, please forward it and share to all those you know!